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Good bye Lorraine

Just to say thank you for all your hard work this year with the children. They have had a great experience learning with you and we are sure they will miss you a lot. Hope you have enjoyed Spain. Wishing you all the best for the future. Good luck with your studies and take care of yourself. Big hugs.

Hoy hemos despedido a Lorraine, nuestra auxiliar de conversación en este curso. Agradecemos a Lorraine todo su trabajo y dedicación con los niños y niñas de este colegio. Esperamos que hayas disfrutado nuestro pueblo y España en general. Te deseamos mucha suerte con tus estudios. Cuídate. Muchos abrazos. THANK YOU!

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Treasure hunt is fun!

This week children in our school have been taking part in a treasure hunt which has been prepared by our language assistant Lorraine. The children had fun exploring different places in the school while looking for clues. They were excited to finish the game and get their prizes. Thank you Lorraine. We had fun and we will miss you a lot.

Publicado en AICLE, noticias


Europe Day is a day to celebrate peace and unity throughout Europe. It is held on 9th May every year. We did some activities about it and most of the groups participated: coloring of EU countries flags, making a mural with information about Europe, watching videos to know more about our continent, the EU and the main countries, etc. It was good to remember this special day at school. Now we know a bit more about Europe!

Publicado en AICLE, SCIENCE



Con motivo de la celebración de la Semana de la Ciencia y de la Mujer en la Ciencia el profesorado de PRIMER CICLO ha preparado una serie de experimentos y talleres en las clases de 1º y 2º que han resultado muy interesantes y a los niños y niñas les han encantado.

Los experimentos y talleres han sido: Tinta invisible, el poder del magnetismo, fabricamos un volcán, inflamos un globo sin soplar, arcoíris de colores, jabón contra los virus y dientes siempre limpios.